Who we are

We are a community of feminist strategists, activists, weavers, and dreamers committed to dreaming and co-creating a better future.

We believe in our power to collectively envision and create a feminist philanthropic ecosystem that is essential to building a just and equitable world.

Our goal is to dream into existence a joyful and creative feminist philanthropic ecosystem grounded in the solutions and perspectives of feminist movements.

We value solidarity, kindness, imagination, creativity, love, and possibility.

We see that the world needs deep systemic transformation towards justice and that root causes of oppression, injustice, and inequities must be addressed with the strategies and solutions of global South and East feminists grounded in radical, redistributive, and feminist politics and practices.

We reject hate, inequity, defeatism, and all systems of oppression, discrimination, and injustice.

We invoke love, connection, collaboration, and joy along with our ancestors who have paved the path for us.

We invoke love, connection, collaboration, and joy along with our ancestors who have paved the path for us.

We convoke the collective power of those who dream together.

Our ethos is rooted in care, solidarity, love, and justice.

In our collective work, we prioritize the visioning and analysis of majority world feminists and justice activists.

We draw inspiration from our ancestors and foremothers, those fighting on the frontlines of social justice, and our commitment to the dream of what feminist philanthropies could be.

We recognize the many challenges facing us in this work, the non-linear path of progress, and the importance of collective imagination and co-creation.

Our space is inclusive, transformative, fluid, and visionary.

The world that we are working towards is possible and always in the making.

We will get there by coming together and supporting each other across geographies, identities, movements, and sectors.

We invite you to join this journey and dream with us.

Our Community

We are an experimental initiative that moves at the pace of trust, belonging and collective imaging thus our “structure” consists of ever-growing concurrent circles that are iterative & fluid.

We are currently housed at Urgent Action Fund for Feminist Activism which serves as a our fiscal sponsor however we are separate from Action Fund for Feminist Activism’s programmatic work.

We must rise to the challenge with a revolutionary and collective sense of determination; knowing that if we do not see [imagine] this world, someone else will.
— Lola Olufemi